Are donations tax-deductible?
Yes. You will receive a receipt from the school district.
Can I participate in my company's Matching Gift Program?
Yes. Because donations to public schools are tax-deductible, your donation will normally qualify for your company's Matching Gift Program. Check with your employer for specific requirements and please be sure that it
designates the Schaertl Scholarship Fund when sending in matching funds to the school district. If your employer uses
Benevity, you can donate online by searching for "Manchester-Shortsville Central School District."
Who is eligible for AP Exam reimbursement from the fund?
Red Jacket Central High School students who earn a 3, 4 or 5 on an Advanced Placement (AP) Exam will have their exam fee reimbursed by the fund. They do not need to apply for reimbursement.
How can I donate?
See the
donation page.
What happens to excess donations?
If we ever have more money in the fund than we need for the year's AP exams, we leave it there for future years.